Nvidia Shatters Records with $279 Billion Market Loss – What Happened?

NVIDIA Stock Chart: Wilding Out

Nvidia (NVDA), a titan in the technology and AI space, and the company that has essentially been holding up the stock market, has just experienced its worst day in stock market history, marking a dramatic 9.5% drop in its share price. This single day plunge wiped out a shocking $279 billion in market value – a loss that surpasses the previous record of $240 billion set by Meta (Facebook) in 2022. To put this in perspective, only 27 companies in the world hold a market capitalization as high as the amount Nvidia lost in one trading day. It was a big day, to say the least!

This sharp decline in Nvidia’s value is more than the entire market capitalization of corporations like McDonald’s, Chevron, and Pepsi. The impact on individual shareholders was equally as devastating. Nvidia’s CEO, Jensen Huang, the company’s largest individual shareholder, saw his personal wealth shrink by $10 billion due to the stock’s near vertical decline.

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NVIDIA Stock Chart Was Once $3.3 Trillion!

At its peak, Nvidia’s market value reached $3.3 trillion on June 18. However, with the recent downturn, the company’s stock has fallen over 20%. The decline follows broader concerns about the U.S. economy showing signs of stress, raising investor skepticism around the lofty valuations of AI stocks, Nvidia included.

Despite posting strong earnings last week, Nvidia’s less-than-optimistic outlook for the future caused investors to reconsider their positions, exacerbating the stock’s downward momentum. Nvidia isn’t alone in facing investor doubts about AI-related stocks. Microsoft, which has made significant investments in AI, has seen its stock drop 12% from its recent peak, while Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), which produces Nvidia’s advanced AI chips, has fallen 18% since mid-July.

Meanwhile, Intel – once a giant in the semiconductor space but now struggling to transition into the AI market – has experienced its own sharp decline. Its stock price has dropped 59% this year as it grapples with challenges distinct from Nvidia’s AI-driven rise and fall.

This sudden shift in Nvidia’s trajectory highlights a building caution among investors when it comes to high-growth AI companies. While Nvidia’s recent stock losses are historic in scale, they reflect broader market skepticism about whether current AI stock valuations are sustainable amid a shifting economic landscape.

The post Nvidia Shatters Records with $279 Billion Market Loss – What Happened? first appeared on Nurp.com.